Dr. Yanhee Pink Placenta Set


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PINK - Placenta and Collagen
  • Firm, lift and hydrates facial skin
  • Anti-aging
  • Treat damaged skin
  • The set helps reduce wrinkles for a younger look, thick blemishes, freckles, black spots, and brighten your skin.
  • The product has been tested by Yanhee International Hospital, ISO and FDA.
  • Deep Cleansing
  • Nourishing for your Skin
  • Eliminates Acne, Acne Inflammation & Cystic Acne,
  • Eliminate Blemishes,
  • Reduces Freckles,
  • Reduces Dark Spots.
  • Softening, Firming and Smoothing Skin.
  • All Natural Ingredients for Whitening and Acne
  • Anti-Aging and safe to use.
  • Safe on sensitive skins
  • Safe on pregnant and lactating woman.
  • Can be used age 13yo & above.
  • No peeling and redness of skin
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