Dr. Yanhee Pink Set Anti Aging.


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Dr. Yanhee Pink Set Anti Aging

Dr. Yanhee PINK set (Thailand product)

  • Pimples free
  • moisturize skin
  • Healthy glowing skin
  • Young looking
  • Anti aging.. sagging skin



  • Deep Cleansing and Nourishing for your Skin
  • Eliminates Acne, Acne Inflammation & Cystic Acne, Blemishes, Freckles, Dark Spots.
  • While Softening, Firming and Smoothing Skin.
  • All Natural Ingredients for Whitening, Acne,
  • Anti-Aging and safe to use.


Package includes: DR. Yanhee Day Cream with SPF50 (5g) + Night Cream 1 (5g) + Night Cream 2 (5g) + Collagen Super Whitening Soap 60g


USE 2x Daily. Make Lather, Let it sit on your Skin for a few minutes, Rinse and Pat Dry.

You are sure to see a remarkable difference in just 7 Days !!!


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  07804 638 471




Great, fast delivery, lovely tasting coffee – works wonders! I recommend to all.

Thank you for the item. Good communication from seller.

A+++++, remarkably pleased.

Fast delivery, excellent service. Thanks!



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